5 Car Hacks To Prepare Your Car For Spring brought to you by ClickMechanic
With spring having arrived in Britain, just about, it’s a good time to take a moment to think about what your car has had to go through this winter. Parts of the country had a pretty rough ride weather-wise, with extreme rainfall and bouts of snow. Whilst your car may appear to drive perfectly fine, your car was likely affected by winter in one way or another. Spring therefore is a perfect time to check up and get your car ready for not only spring but summer as well.
1. Tyre change
If you fitted your car with winter tyres before the winter, spring is the time to start thinking about changing to summer tyres. If you never changed to winter tyres then consider checking your tyres for wear to make sure the tyre tread is still within the 1.6mm legal limit. Another thing to consider is doing a tyre rotation, this will make sure your tyres will wear more evenly as they are positioned on another corner of the car. An added bonus is that your tyres will have a longer lifespan.
2. Clean your car
The annual spring house clean is arguably the first thing people think of when sunset comes around later and later and the sunrays offer up not only light but also some warmth. But don’t neglect your car, make sure to clean your car to get rid of all the nasty stuff that winter managed to throw at your car.
3. Wiper blades check
Spring is a great time to check the blades, especially with an undoubtedly rainy spring season coming up. Bear in mind that winter stress and general wear may have affected the condition of the wiper blades limiting their effectiveness. If the wipers appear worn or damaged make sure they get replaced.

As recommended by car manufacturers, it is advisable to periodically check the tyre pressure in your tyres to make sure they are properly inflated according to manufacturer guidelines. Especially after cold winter weather, tyre pressure can drop, potentially leading to increased tyre wear, increased fuel consumption, and it can even affect the way a car drives. Specifically, it can lead to reduced braking performance and the car can become difficult to steer.
5. Suspension
Road surfaces deteriorate over time due to wear in general, but cold winter weather and temperature changes can add to that and accelerate damage to the road surface. In Britain, it usually leads to potholes which can do real damage to your car’s suspension as testified by the many claims councils get each year. Of course, the damage caused may not immediately lead to a failure of components, but problems may occur later down the line if an issue is not addressed timely.
Of course, a number of these and other checks you may not be keen to check yourself, we would suggest getting the car checked by a professional. Our network of Mechanics are there to help this spring to check your car to make sure it’s all okay. Get a quote for an inspection here. Login to access your discount code for a 5% discount.