Autism advocacy and balancing award-winning businesses with Faria Arsh
Award-winning entrepreneur Faria is a woman of many talents. In addition to leading Azra Creations, a thriving eco-conscious business, she is a devoted autism advocate and the founder of The Autism Foundation committed to supporting and educating parents, carers and professionals. As a single mum of two girls, one with severe autism, ADHD, learning difficulties and epilepsy, Faria discusses how she balances her businesses and their significant impact.
Azra Creations began in 2020 as she was going through a divorce and was looking for something positive whilst she was working on herself during lockdown. Once Faria started making candles at home and began giving them to friends she decided to turn it into a business and named it after her mum Azra. Faria’s mum came to live with her and the girls due to Faria’s divorce and was a massive help during this time.
Azra Creations stands out for its commitment to sustainability. From recyclable candle tins and glass jars to biodegradable packaging and wraps, Faria has considered every aspect of her products’ environmental impact. “Everything is vegan friendly, which is very close to my heart because I want to make sure that we are enjoying these products, but we are looking after the planet as well”. Faria highlights the time taken to find biodegradable items to incorporate in her business and says “It’s expensive but I’m happy to pay that price to maintain the sustainability and make sure that we are eco friendly.”
Furthermore, Faria shares everything is made at home. “Everything is handmade. Even my labels, I don’t get them from outside. I design them at home. I print them, I cut them, I stick the labels by myself. Everything at home by myself.” To balance her businesses she is sometimes up until early hours of the morning making candles due to her daughter Afiyah being on the severe side of the spectrum, she often puts things in her mouth without realizing the danger therefore it is easier and safer to complete orders whilst Afiyah is asleep.
Faria combined her personal and professional experience to design and deliver workshops and training to benefit families and schools navigating caring for others on the spectrum. It started with her toilet training book – ‘Toilet Training for Autistic & SEND Children and Adults’ and she shares that the feedback and success has been amazing. “It’s given them the independence that we all have right to… These parents who were told that it’s never going to happen and they’ve never had any support are now extremely happy about the fact that their children are independently taking themselves to the toilet”. Faria understands firsthand how difficult it can be and agrees it’s amazing how much she can help others going through the same.

Winning the SHEro 2022 award was an amazing moment for Faria. “I was running an autism page called ‘Living with Autism’. So I was running that Facebook page and I was sharing Afia's story. And parents used to get in touch with me and I would help them out”. Faria highlights how she believes the combination of helping parents in a similar situation, women suffering with mental health conditions too and sharing how hard she was working on her business helped her win the award. Her advice is to remember that “No matter what you’re going through, that's not going to be the rest of your life. You can do things to help yourself and make a better life for yourself.
One of the hardest things about running two businesses for Faria is juggling the time between both. As her businesses are completely different, there is no way of integrating to make it easier to manage. Faria shares, “I also work in a special school, so I work there part time. So having a part time job running two business, looking after the girls, you know, all of that is very challenging, but I'm determined to carry on... I love both my businesses and I'm passionate about both of them and I'm passionate about growing both of them constantly”.
Faria is proud of her success with both businesses however what stands out the most is her book being available in 20 countries and over 40 bookstores worldwide! “My book is available in China. What's going on? This is one of a kind. It's unique and it's helping several people around the globe”.
Coming soon within the Autism Foundation is autism diagnosis as Faria is now qualified to do assessments. This decision was due to people having to wait 2-3 years to get a diagnosis with the NHS. “There's a huge demand for that and I want to provide that service.” This is a work in progress due to having to have a team of people to diagnose someone. Also in the future, Faria wants to create a short breaks facility and discusses the importance of a short break for both the parent and the child, “There aren't many places or if there are, they're fully booked and they're oversubscribed”.
You can get in touch with the Autism Foundation
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