Wpp Elevate

Empowering Connections: How The Edge Events by Lyn Cutler Champions Mental Health Through Networking



Lyn spoke to us about her insights on her events business, ‘The Edge Events’, her Women in Business brunch club, mindset for women in business, building valuable connections, advice for networking, as well as work-life balance and her future events. Going back to where it all started, Lyn’s journey into the events business began during drinks with friends in Alderley Edge. With a passion for creating seamless events, she expressed her desire to start her own business. Encouraged by her friends’ enthusiastic response, “Why don’t you?”, she immediately wrote down the name ‘The Edge Events’, given that the idea stemmed from being in “Alderley Edge”. Reflecting on her beginnings, Lyn shares, “I volunteered by playing a huge part in a charity event and built myself up that way, as well as creating my own PR party,” which laid the foundation for her flourishing business. Each event brought new connections and learning experiences, allowing her to refine her craft.
For Lyn, self-care is crucial for business success. She firmly believes, “No one can pour from an empty cup. And that means in business, unless you’re looking after yourself and the basics, how can you then thrive? It’s getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and exercising. I’m a huge advocate for that: eating the right food, having a balance, and preventing burnout.” Lyn highlights the importance of prioritising mental health in the business environment. A positive mindset is essential for business success. “Always look after yourself first,” she advises, encouraging others to set clear goals and surround themselves with positive influences. “I surround myself with the right people who uplift me, make me feel good about myself, read positive mindset books, listen to podcasts, and immerse myself in a real level of positivity to really raise my vibration.”

Mental health is not just a personal concern but a critical component of professional success and helps when setting clear goals. Lyn highlights the importance of prioritising mental health in the business environment. “Be around the right people who want to uplift you, make you feel good about yourself, read positive mindset books, listen to podcasts, and be around that level of positivity to really raise your vibration.” These are a few ways she supports mental health awareness.


Lyn advocates for a proactive and confident mindset for women in business. She emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself and not shying away from opportunities due to a lack of confidence. Lyn encourages women to support each other in their professional journeys. She stresses the importance of networking with authenticity and mutual respect. Lyn believes in nurturing relationships that are based on trust and shared values, which can lead to meaningful collaborations and professional growth. “I used to be quite closed off. I’m a lot more open now with people because you

just don’t know who’s standing next to you and where that could lead. Strike up a conversation. It might not be that person that you end up doing business with; maybe it is their daughter or someone else they know, and that is the magic of networking. Be your authentic self as well without trying too hard to come across in a certain way. People warm to people they know, like, and trust!”


Lyn talks passionately about her most recent event: The Women in Business Summer Party began with guests arriving on the red carpet at Zouk Bar and Grill. The evening kicked off with live entertainment from a saxophone player and a magician, all while guests enjoyed a glass of bubbly or a cocktail. The event featured inspiring guest speakers and an exclusive Armani Beauty Masterclass, complete with goody bags and the wow factor! Ample time was dedicated to networking, allowing attendees to build valuable connections. Lyn’s ethos is that all guests leave with “unshakeable confidence” and feeling inspired.

Lyn's next highly anticipated event, Sisterhood Strong, is set for September in Manchester. This event will feature a panel of expert speakers carefully chosen for their authenticity and insight. Lyn shared her approach to selecting speakers, emphasizing, “I always trust my gut; I’m very intuitive.” Attendees can look forward to a day of empowering discussions and valuable networking opportunities, all in the elegant setting of Menagerie. You can purchase tickets here.
Looking to the future, Lyn plans to partner more with mentors and coaches who specialize in workplace well-being, especially in hospitality, alongside her focus on women in business. She is also planning to organize a large well-being event next summer! Stay tuned for upcoming events by The Edge Events on socials and connect with like-minded professionals to continue your journey of growth and empowerment at her events: https://www.theedge-events.com.
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