Wpp Elevate

Overcoming people-pleasing, practicing self-love and running her online business with Candice Matthew



With over seven years of experience in the industry, Candice Matthew shares her story as a Business and Manifestation Coach. She originally co-created a brand with her twin sister called The LOA (Law of Attraction) Twins, but they eventually decided to pursue separate paths. Feeling that her journey wasn’t complete, Candice launched her own brand, embarking on a journey of self-development and independence.


As a Reiki master, Candice utilizes non-verbal communication. Being an identical twin has allowed her to connect with her sister without words. “That’s where it started,” she explains. “I’ve been able to develop that into a gift where people come to me for readings and insights about the past, present, future, life, or business.”

Candice’s manifestation journey began with her first LOA coach and a course called Dream Day Journey, which encouraged daily journaling as if living an ideal lifestyle. After signing her sister up for the course as well, they discovered they were both unknowingly manifesting the same dreams— having an online business, embracing a laptop lifestyle, and working with clients. At that time, both Candice and her sister were dance teachers, and this shared vision led to the creation of The LOA Twins.


Since establishing her own brand, Candice has worked with hundreds of clients over the past two years, building something she truly loves. She expresses her appreciation for the freedom her online business provides, allowing her to work just ten hours a week with clients while also holding a position at a school. Candice values her personal time, which includes going to the gym, and she aims to demonstrate the importance of work-life balance to her clients. “It’s really important that it’s not just work, work, work,” she says.


Early in her solo practice, one of Candice’s first clients sought her help for menopausal symptoms. This client had been trying to conceive for some time without success, but she hoped Candice could assist with her menopause. “With Reiki, you can directly target physical conditions or ailments in the body… but I never imagined it could reverse menopause,” Candice explained. Remarkably, after receiving Reiki, the client’s menopause was reversed, and by their next session, she was pregnant!


Candice helps her clients tackle negative self-talk and build a positive self-image. “I tend to take my clients on a journey that not only focuses on building their business but also understanding their history. Everything you’ve experienced from conception to now has shaped your reality,” she explains. She emphasises how your past influences what you do because it’s intertwined with who you are and what you will go on to achieve. Public speaking was one of Candice’s fears, and she initially shied away from being visible within her business. Now, she teaches her clients about expression, boundaries, and desires.

Candice runs a membership programme called Glow Getter: Your Ultimate Journey to Self-Love, Soul Purpose, Abundance & Manifestation, focusing on internal healing as a pathway to personal growth. Within this membership, she emphasises the importance of aligned action: “You say you want this business or this life, but what are you doing about it?” Consistency is key, and one of the biggest challenges is building healthy habits. A major block that people face when manifesting is a lack of belief: “If you don’t believe it’s going to happen, then it makes it harder.”


One of Candice’s key practices for self-love is mastering the art of saying ‘NO.’ Reflecting on her past as a people pleaser, she admits, “I realised I was saying yes to everyone, but no one was saying yes to me.” A transformative book that helped her overcome this tendency was The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck by Sarah Knight, which she credits with changing her life. Candice also emphasises the importance of setting clear boundaries—knowing what you will accept and what your non-negotiables are in relationships, friendships, and work. Finally, she highlights the need for balance, advocating for “giving yourself time and space.” While it may seem selfish, she believes prioritising self-care ultimately allows you to give more to others.


Discussing her intuition, Candice explains, “I feel that my definition of intuition and spirituality is connection. It’s about your connection to yourself and then your ability to connect with someone or something else. Nobody’s spirituality looks exactly the same; people have different versions of it, and that’s great.” She believes the Law of Attraction is about trusting what lies ahead by connecting with that inner feeling, and she feels this concept is becoming more widely accepted.


Recalling her first live online session, she laughs, “My hand was shaking, my teeth were trembling, but I did it.” Candice knew that if she couldn’t speak in front of others, it could significantly hinder her success. Her approach to overcoming this initial fear involved understanding it and pushing through anyway. Since then, her confidence has snowballed, and now she regularly presents at events!


We discussed the notion that life is rarely linear. “Sometimes you’re going in one direction, and then you swerve towards another,” she observes. “One thing I’ve accepted is that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be, even if you can’t understand why.” Candice acknowledges that we can be resistant to change, as it is often uncomfortable. She reflects on how some of her toughest experiences have felt overwhelming at times, but she always manages to bounce back and find her strength. This resilience is something she enjoys teaching others.

Candice emphasises the importance of remaining authentic while scaling her business. She values the strong relationships she builds with her clients and within her membership, often sharing laughter and joy together. For her, balancing vulnerable moments with her naturally cheerful personality is essential for maintaining genuine connections, and many of her clients have become friends who often express gratitude for choosing her.


Her advice for anyone looking to follow a similar path is simple: just start somewhere. She believes commitment and consistency are crucial to success in her field. Candice stresses the importance of investing in the right tools, such as payment links, a website, a reliable laptop, and a good phone. Additionally, she highlights the need for efficient systems to ensure the smooth operation of an online business.


Want to get involved? You can follow Candice on Instagram @thecandicematthew and check out her website at candicematthew.com.

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