Wpp Elevate

The Latest in Skin Rejuvenation Therapy



Can we reduce wrinkles with the 
power of our mind?


Absolutely we can!! Our human brain is a power house, when we can tap into that wonderful resource that we possess this is where the magic really happens. Our brain is where all of our thoughts, emotions and beliefs come from. 


As human beings we are capable of being super creative, using our wonderful imagination and learning new things. We have the ability to make ourselves sick and also to heal ourselves.


The big question first of all is: "Can we reduce wrinkles with the power of our minds?"

Hypnosis allows us to harness that mind power, it is a safe easy, natural, relaxed state of being that everyone is capable of. During hypnosis we can really use the mind and body connection. When guided through various methods of powerful suggestion, healing, releasing tensions and stress, we can create change in the body, relax, heal, rejuvenate and encourage healthy circulation to facial skin increasing that oxygenation to improve collagen production.


When we create a healing process, we can also soften and smooth the skin to give ourselves a youthful healthy glow. 

We have the ability to upgrade our skin's DNA and slow down ageing in this nice relaxed, hypnotic state. This really is the mother of all antioxidants.


Using this skin therapy is a natural, safe method. When we keep repeating this process,  it will soften and smooth the skin and give us a youthful look and an inner ability to restore our ageing skin, slowing down the appearance of wrinkles. 


Our brain is like a computer!


Feeling a bit sceptical is totally understandle as I was too at first! However I’ve helped so many people now who say they found their skin smoother and tighter, with improved skin health. 


I always say to people the brain is like a computer, it’s a recording of everything that’s ever happened to you, and it’s very emotionally charged, that’s true, however this is not like a normal computer, you cannot even begin to imagine the network of your computer!


It’s literally mind blowing the scale of what’s going on in our head, the magical thing is we are all authentic, unique machines and all of these nerve cells are communicating with each other, all the time. They are constantly interacting, sending messages back and forth.


Each new interaction creates a brand new connection and all of those connections are firing and wiring together, ready to be used when we need them.


When we learn something new, we need to be able to access more of our grey cells. And because our brain has almost limitless power, we can!

The interesting thing is every time a new connection is made, it changes each of the neurons in the connection very slightly. So when we think a thought, we are changing the physical make-up of our brain!


Every time the new thought happens, the neurons have to make more of an effort to communicate with each other. This means new thoughts create a bigger change in the way the neurons interact and communicate, our brain is working harder and we are making different connections and pathways which allow us to create things we might have thought we never could!


Shirley McLean Hypnotherapy at "Virtual Aesthetics"


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