Wpp Elevate

Meet Jess Cunningham, a former The Apprentice candidate

Interviewed by Ruby Bradshaw




Having a positive mental attitude is a phrase used a lot recently, as a way to keep going when times get tough. And the past twelve months have been tougher than most.


It’s not often in life that you meet someone who radiates positivity in everything they do… by radiate, we mean it comes through in every part of their personality, attitude and as a result, you find yourself smiling and feeling more positive too. 


Jess Cunningham, a former The Apprentice candidate who is now an entrepreneur and transformational business coach, is one of those people.

The 37-year-old from Derbyshire has been on our TV screens, and now through her coaching and social media empire, she’s helping 1000’s of women achieve their goals.


Her can-do attitude and enthusiasm for a strong work-life balance is one that her thousands of followers praise her for, she is an influencer in the most positive sense of the word.


Whether she’s discussing how to be more efficient, how to strike the right balance between work and family time or focusing on how to manifest and create the world you want, there’s no doubt about it, Jess Cunningham has a lot to say, and we’re ready for it.



The Apprentice, Big Brother and Chasing Fame.

Jess’s career path hasn’t followed the conventional path. From running her own fashion business to exploring reality TV through BBC’s The Apprentice and then entering Celebrity Big Brother, before moving into a healing and mindset-focused business, Jess has certainly learned a lot through her journey.


Jess explained:  “When I left The Apprentice and Big Brother, initially I chased fame… for validation and it was probably the most miserable I’d ever been in my life.”


The cycle of reality TV can be known for being hard, and that combined with personal tragedy meant Jess felt something had to change.


“In 2017 I suffered a big family tragedy and it really made me evaluate and focus on my business. I gave up the fashion brand I had originally been known for, and I began to focus on events and coaching and my family life.”


Her personal struggle meant Jess was forced to address issues she had hidden since childhood: “I recognised that when I was younger, between 4 to 8 years old, I suffered trauma which I suppressed a lot.”


Tackling her own trauma led Jess to a path of training in alternative therapies and coping methods, which ultimately led to her current career path as creator, CEO and founder of the life changing healing modality called Belief Coding®️


“It made me open up and explore NLP, EFT, reiki and transitional energy and it was something I really wanted people to experience. I knew there was something missing. Each technique had its place but wasn’t creating the long lasting results that I needed. I started to put together my own way of working using everything I knew. This is how I created Belief Coding®️. It was the missing piece. The results I felt were instant and long lasting. I knew I had created something profound and I had to share it with others. Recently I’ve worked with Andrea McLean, Leanne Brown, plus many others to name but a few, such as footballers, actors, singers, celebs etc”


Believe in what you want, and then create it!

Moving away from the corporate business world gave Jess a fresh start and a new perspective, as well as a new business to develop.


“I’d always been known for building businesses and for growing them from zero to six figures. This was now my new opportunity.”


For Jess, this new focus gave her a chance to embrace the skills she had learnt and used to empower her own life. “You can be a positive person, the first step is to acknowledge that.”


If that sounds daunting, then Jess knows how you feel. “I used to be a natural worrier and an anxious person, but sometimes the worst luck can be the best opportunity.”


That last statement is proof that Jess radiates positivity, as she strives to spot the silver lining on every cloud; no matter how dark it may seem. For her new business venture, she focused on how she could use her own experiences to grow and help others.

“I created my own transformational message and that’s what I want to share. It takes 15-20 minutes to change self-limiting beliefs, and it can change people’s lives.”


Less than 30 minutes to change your life? We are sold! It even works for those physical pains and niggles too, as Jess explains: “Even physical problems, which always manifest themselves in the emotional side of us.”


However, for many of us the limiting beliefs we can sometimes have are more closely linked to our finances. Looking at our bank balances and worrying about bills or how far our money will stretch is something a lot of us can empathise with, and Jess has some solid advice.

She explains: “Money mindset is about thinking why would I stop it coming into my life. 


“It’s about changing that belief, which then means you can go from charging £20 to £500 an hour.”


For Jess, that’s how she grew not only her first business, but a revolutionary healing movement, that is growing at a rapid rate. Her businesses have a total following of over 100,000 people, all keen to hear more about how Jess has changed her life for the better. Her influence is shared with positive daily posts and stories filled with advice and tips for change.


Image Credits - Sophie Baines and Stephanie Collette.

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